Anemone Hortensis
Platicarya strobilicea
Cardamine heptophylla
Prunus Shirotae
Corylopsis pauciflora
Cypripedium formosanum
Dead Nettle ?
Erythronium tuyolumnense
Erythronium albidum
Erythronium californium
Trillium erected var albiflorum
Erythronium revolutum
Euphorbia myrsinites
Ostrich Plumed Fern - Matteucia struthiopteris
Ficaria venta
Fritillaria ludica
Glaucidium palmarem
Hippocrepis embers
Iris bucharica
The breathing knees of tax odium distichum
Uvularia grandiflora
Morea tricupidata
Narcissus poeticus var physaloides
Nothofagus obliqua
Notholirion thomsomanium
Prunus Kanzan
Pulsatilla spp
Salix spp
Sanguinaria canadensis
Trillium rivale
Tulipa cretica
Weeping beech - Fagus sylvatica
Yellow Root - Xanthoriza simplissima
Daphne Bholua
A little bit later and the flowers are almost fully out.
Daphne Bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' Superb scent just about now.
The Nepalese paper plant. Fibres from the inner bark can also make rope.
Garrya ellliptica
The Silk Tassel Bush or Garrya elliptica
The unopened tassels are quite silken to the touch.
The open tassels are even more wonderful.
A wonderful display from a plant in the grounds of Weybourne Village Hall. Overhangs the street so you can feel them for yourself.
A few more the next day in the sunshine.
Daphne Bholua
Daphne Bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' Superb scent just about now.
The Nepalese paper plant. Fibres from the inner bark can also make rope.